
BaseKit 2024 Product Roadmap

We have exciting news for 2024 as we unveil the innovative design features shaping the BaseKit product roadmap this year, focused on AI, design excellence and customer engagement.

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BaseKit 2023 Roadmap

We recently caught up with BaseKit VP of Product, Gordon Plant to discuss product development prioritisation, learnings from partners and the core themes for our 2023 roadmap.

Small businesses

The e-commerce boom in Africa

Across Africa e-commerce is booming, with 500m users and a market value in excess of $46b predicted by 2025. Of the industries poised...

man looking at camera holding tablet

Last updated 28.05.2024

When it comes to choosing a hosting provider, the question usually comes down to cost. Small business owners can’t afford to be without their website but when budgets are tight it’s easy for price to be the most persuasive factor.

Price isn’t the only way to compete though. Small businesses need a host of digital tools to help run and streamline their operations, and hosting companies have an opportunity to compete on value by offering more complete packages. So how can you offer more value to small businesses without pricing yourself out of the market? And how can more open relationships between tech vendors help you get there?

Changing the focus from cost to value

When cost is all that sets hosting providers apart, it’s not a sustainable strategy. Providers end up constantly lowering their prices or offering discounts to attract new customers, only for those customers to bounce away when a competitor pitches even lower. Each provider’s appeal becomes inherently short-term and can disappear as soon as the new sign-up discount ends.

Breaking out of that cycle requires shifting the focus. If price has always been what differentiates one hosting provider from the next, how else can you set yourself apart?

To win customers long term, the question has to be about value.

Hosting companies already provide an invaluable service to small businesses but there are ways to augment that. It’s a case of expanding your repertoire. Think about the other tools small business owners need when they’re setting up online – tools like design kits or online booking systems – and partner with vendors to offer them as part of a larger package.

When you can offer a bigger piece of the online puzzle, it’s easier to differentiate yourself without getting drawn into a price war. And if your small business customers are coming to you for more than just their website hosting, that value will hold even when your competitors cut their prices.

The value of convenience

In an industry so used to competing on price, expanding your offering can feel like a step in the wrong direction – after all, the more services you bring to the table, the higher your prices will have to be. But when those services represent genuine value to customers, cost becomes a secondary concern.

For small businesses, convenience is everything. Entrepreneurs need to make each minute count, and time spent juggling individual providers for every aspect of their company is time they could spend working with clients, marketing or developing their products.

If they can find the tools and resources they need in one place, they’re more likely to take that over a variety of separate suppliers. That can also give small business owners better financial stability, even if the initial cost is higher – with one provider, they don’t have the risk of multiple subscriptions increasing throughout the year.

Convenience also means how easy the tools are to use, and that’s the principle the BaseKit Platform is built on.

Our white labelled website builder is designed to be an intuitive, mobile-first toolkit, to give even the least tech-savvy business owner the confidence to get set up online.

The most valuable tech is built together

To truly deliver that convenience, offering the right tech is only part of the equation. It’s also about offering tools that are optimised for small business owners – that are easy to use, access and integrate with the other systems they use daily.

Think about the essential tools for a small business and where they need to interact. For example, if the owner is making a website, it’s likely they’re using some kind of design software to create their logos and iconography. But can those two tools connect together to make those designs instantly available in your site builder?

To do that, they need to be part of an open ecosystem – a platform built on close collaboration that encourages tech vendors to bring down the barriers between their individual systems. While most hosting companies already offer their own website builder, this kind of frictionless connectivity would stand far above them in the eyes of small business owners.

We’re pushing for open tech ecosystems because we know how precious time is for small businesses. The more individual systems can talk to each other, the more fluid the process becomes and the more empowered small business owners feel to embrace new tech.

That’s why we’re constantly reaching out to new suppliers, to build the library of services our platform can integrate with directly. In 2022, we also launched a website migration service, making it simple for new and existing hosting partners to transfer sites from legacy site builders that no longer meet their requirements, onto the BaseKit platform.

We’re on a mission for tech democracy for small businesses – are you in? Request a demo of our software, or get in touch to see how we could collaborate.


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  1. Introduction This privacy policy sets out how we use and protect any information that you provide to BaseKit. We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Any personal information you provide when using our products or services will only be used in accordance with this policy. Note that this policy does not cover how we use and protect information provided to us from website builder customers. If you are a Go Sitebuilder customer, please see the Go Sitebuilder Privacy Policy. If you are a customer of another company that offers BaseKit’s website builder, please see the company’s privacy policy available via their website. We may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page to ensure that you are happy with any changes. This policy is effective from January 2019.  

2. What information we collect We may collect the information you provide when you get in touch with us via the website, email, or phone.
  • You transfer your information to us via the website by filling in and submitting a form. We offer a number of different forms to help you find out more about the products and services we offer.
  • We have a number of different email addresses you can use to contact us. If you’re not sure which one to use then we recommend you send an email to
  • We don’t provide a central phone number but BaseKit team members may provide their direct phone number for you to contact them.

3. How we use the information The information that we collect and store about you is primarily used to help us to stay in touch with you to provide our products and services. However, we may also use your information:
  • To improve our products and services
  • To send promotional email communications about special offers, news, product updates or other information which we think you may find interesting
  • To contact you for market research purposes
Note that we will only use your information as described in 3 and 4 above when you have explicitly opted in to receive such communications. You may opt out of these communications at any time by clicking the Unsubscribe link in any email or by sending a request to  

4. Storing your personal data We store the data we collect using third party tools such as CRMs and databases. Any data we store is only accessible directly by a small number of authorised staff. The third parties that we use may store your data in locations outside of the EEA. We carefully review each supplier to ensure they handle data in line with this policy. We will store your data for as long as you remain a customer of BaseKit, or where you have actively been in contact with us about our products and services. We will keep data for up to 5 years if you’re not a customer or if we don’t hear from you.  

5. Security We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic, and managerial processes to secure and safeguard the data we collect and store. The transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure and we cannot guarantee the security of data sent to us electronically. The transmission of data is entirely at your own risk.  

6. How we use cookies A cookie is a small file which allows websites and apps to identify individual users and store information about each user’s preferences. A cookie does not give access to any more information than a user chooses to provide. We use cookies:
  • To identify where visitors to the website came from
  • To identify the content that is being viewed
The third party suppliers that we work with may also use cookies for similar purposes. We carefully review each supplier to ensure they handle data in line with this policy. You may choose to enable or disable cookies. Most web browsers automatically enable cookies, but you can usually modify a browser’s settings to disable cookies if you prefer. If you disable cookies you may not be able to take full advantage of our websites.  

7. Disclosing your information We may disclose your information to third party suppliers that we work with to provide our products and services. We carefully review each supplier to ensure they handle data in line with this policy. We may also disclose your information where we are required to do so by law.  

8. Controlling your personal information You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways:
  • When providing any information to BaseKit via this website, you may opt in to receive promotional email communications.
  • If you receive a promotional email, you may opt out by clicking the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.
  • At any time you can opt out of promotional email communications by sending a request to
  • If you would like us to delete all the information we have collected about you, send a request to
  • If you would like to otherwise restrict the use of the information we have collected about you, send a request to
  • Should you wish to access the information we hold about you, please send a request to
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